Noozle heads from Düsenfabrik

Nozzle heads are manufactured in our factory specially to the customer’s requirements and can be fitted with the different nozzles from our production.
Nozzle heads are available either as rigid or rotating systems. They are used whenever large-scale surfaces have to be impinged evenly with liquid.
With their help, even big throughputs of fine drops can be achieved as the quantity of liquid is distributed between several nozzles with small bore holes. Such systems are used in desuperheaters and gas cooling. Almost all nozzle heads can be fitted with the different types of nozzles (e.g., full cone nozzles or hollow conespray nozzles). All nozzles are easily replaceable. The rotating nozzle heads are especially well-suited for tank cleaning.

Areas of Application for Nozzle Heads
- Humidification
- Gas cooling
- Fire protection
- Direct Lubrication
- Washing
- Air conditioning systems
- Cooling
- Precipitation
- Mixing
- Desuperheating
- Process technology
- Air Humidification
Materials for Nozzle Heads
- Stainless Steel V4A, Brass, and Various Special Materials