Düsenfabrik - Nozzles & Accessories
Düsenfabrik Leipold is a German manufacturer of high-quality nozzles. We produce nozzles and nozzle accessories ‘Made in Germany’ for industry, craft, trade, and research.
However, our production does not only include nozzles. As an experienced manufacturer of nozzles, we can also provide complete atomization systems, humidification systems, and cooling systems for all areas of application according to our clients’ needs. Typical areas of application are, for example, the chemical industry, the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry, fire protection and air humidification. Some of our clients also need our nozzles for gas cooling, coating of surfaces and paper production.
Nozzle production made in Germany
We offer you competence and experience in Noozle, Auslegung von Düsen, Kundenservice, Beratung, Dimensionierung von Sprühsystemen, schnelle Lieferzeiten und marktgerechte Preise. Unsere Produktion findet im südthüringerischen Sonneberg statt.
Wir greifen auf viele Jahre Erfahrung mit Düsen in unterschiedlichen Bereichen zurück. Unsere Kunden schätzen unsere Kompetenz im Bereich der Düsenherstellung, Berechnung von Düsen und schnelle Lieferzeiten. Die vielfältigen Anwendungsgebiete umfassen zum Beispiel die Gaswäsche, Papierindustrie oder Lebensmittelindustrie. Unsere Düsen werden unter anderem auch in Kühltürmen von großen Anlagen sowie in der Chemie- und Pharmaindustrie verwendet.
With our flexible manufacturing process and state-of-the-art machinery, we can quickly and efficiently respond to customer needs. We can design your nozzles or produce them according to your drawings.
Production takes place exclusively in-house and is subject to 100% quality control. Upon request, you will receive a test report.
Extensive product program, nozzles, and spraying systems
Our extensive product program of nozzles and nozzle systems includes smooth-jet nozzles, flat spray nozzles, hollow conespray nozzles, full cone nozzles, mist nozzles, nozzle head, nozzle systems. and Accessoires
We are happy to advise you. We also manufacture according to your drawings for special applications. Through close collaboration with our customers, we have gained extensive experience and know exactly how to assist you. We will help you with the sizing and design of each nozzle. We look forward to working with you!